Hermosa Beach Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance Assessment

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Hermosa Beach, CA

The Project. An assessment of the City of Hermosa Beach’s Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance ability to implement the City’s General Plan, PLAN Hermosa.

The Result. A set of recommendations, framework, and work plan that set the foundation for an updated Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance that not only complies with state law, but also:

  • Is consistent with and implements the General Plan;

  • Provides clear decision-making protocols and streamlined review processes;

  • Retains the character and scale of the community’s neighborhoods, districts, and corridors;

  • Adds to the economic vitality and promotes adaptive reuse and reinvestment of properties; and

  • Is clear, concise, understandable, and easy to use.

The Team. 
Miller Planning Associates
RRM Design Group