Stockton Development Code Update

Stockton, CA

The Project.  A comprehensive update to the City’s Development Code, consistent with the City’s new General Plan, Envision Stockton 2040. The new General Plan represents a substantial change in direction for future development, shifting from emphasizing growth in “outfill” areas at the periphery of the City to focusing new construction and redevelopment in existing “infill” neighborhoods. The Development Code Update is necessary to reflect this change in policy direction in the land use and development controls that apply to properties. .

The Result. A comprehensively updated Development Code that translates the General Plan vision related to land use and development controls into a user- friendly, legally adequate, and effective set of regulations that are relevant to today’s concerns.

The Team. 
Miller Planning Associates
Mintier Harnish
Lexington Planning
Stephanie Miller Design
Rincon Consultants