Honolulu TOD Zoning Framework

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Honolulu, HI

The Project. A framework for citywide zoning regulations to implement individual Neighborhood TOD Plans for each of the 21 planned transit stations in Honolulu. The station areas encompass a diverse range of settings: the financial district with high-rise office buildings; low intensity suburban areas; greenfield development areas; preservation areas; areas of transition; and major points of origins and destinations. 

The Result. The challenge was to translate broad land use policies for each area into a set of regulations that addressed the unique TOD needs and opportunities for each station, implement the goals and policies of the TOD plans, and create more livable communities that take advantage of the benefits of transit. To ensure a streamlined approach, a framework was established with provisions that are common to all or most stations, those that are applied as part of station typologies (such as suburban employment stations), and those that are unique to individual stations.

The Team. 
Martha Miller (while employed at D&B)