Fresno Citywide Development Code

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Fresno, CA

The Project. A collaborative effort with staff for a comprehensive update to the Citywide Development Code, consistent with the new General Plan. 

The Result. The new General Plan shifted focus from suburban style, auto oriented development patterns to infill development and compact activity centers with walkable, pedestrian and transit oriented development. To implement this new vision, the City’s Development Code was updated to be user-friendly, context-sensitive, and transformative.

  • User-Friendly. The new regulations are written to be predictable, understandable, and enforceable. A streamlined approval process is established for conforming projects. 

  • Context-Sensitive. Form-based coding techniques are used for development standards. The development standards are tailored to the distinct characteristics of neighborhoods and districts to foster context-sensitive development. 

  • Transformative. New use allowances and form-based regulations support infill and pedestrian- and transit-oriented development along transit corridors and in activity centers. 

The Team. 
Martha Miller (while employed at D&B)